Innovative Products Ideas should be well secured and protected from the ruthless competition. We have the know-how to protect your Intellectual Product at all stages of the product life cycle for system design to the industrialization phase.

What does copyright protect?
Copyright protects the way in which something is expressed .It does not protect ideas .For example, if you wrote a new computer program to perform a function, the software code would be protected by copyright. Someone else could then write their own computer program to perform the same function. They would not infringe your copyright unless they copied the software code of your computer
Copyright protects
Copyright does not protect
Copyright infringement
The most effective IP
The words in a novel
The ideas behind the story line of the novel
Another novel with the same storyline written in  different words will not infringe
A distinctive or substantial part of the original  novel is copied
The subject matter of the photograph, such as a  landscape
Another photographer who photographs the same  landscape, from the same position, with the same zoom will not infringe  copyright
The original photograph is copied
The words and tables in a marketing plan
The general business strategies described in  the marketing plan
Another company that uses the same general  business strategies has not infringed copyright
The original marketing plan or a substantial part  of it is copied, that is, the words and tables are copied
Copyright, and obligations of confidentiality, if  applicable
The software code of a computer program
The functionality of the computer program
Another person can write a different computer  program with the same functionality without infringing copyright.
The original software code is copied
Copyright and patent protection, if applicable
The words that express a product formulation
The formulation itself
If another person separately develops the  identical formulation, this will not be a breach of copyright
The original expression of the formulation is  copied
Patenting the formulation
The words in a technical manual that explain how a  secret manufacturing process works
The manufacturing process
If another person develops that process, there is  no breach of copyright
The manual is copied
Patenting the manufacturing process, or maintaining  it as a trade secret.
What are some examples of copyright works?
The following are just a few examples of works in which copyright subsists:

Artistic works

●A novel
●A poem
●A photograph
●A movie Lyrics to a song
●A musical composition in the form of sheet music
●A sound recording
●A painting
●A plan for a building


●Computer software application
●Software code for a programming tool or software application
●Software code for a website
●Software code that manages a database


A database
●Text of a marketing plan or business plan
●Numbers and calculations in a financial forecast
●Architectural plans
●Annual reports
●A manual for the operation of equipment
●Technical specifications for a device
●Business proposals
●Letters and emails sent by a business
What are the requirements for material to becopyright?
For copyright to subsist:
1. there must be an expression of ideas in a literary, dramatic ,musical or artistic work, or in subject matter other than works, such as in an audio-visual performance
2.  the work must be original
3.  the work must be recorded in a 'material form', for example
    a.  written down on paper or something else
    b.  recorded by keystrokes saved on a computer
    c.  recorded on film
    d.  recorded on tape
    e.  recorded as software code saved on a computer
    f.  recorded digitally onto a device
4.  there must be an author or artist.
How long does copyright protection last?
When does copyright protection start?
Copyright commences automatically as soon as the copyright work is recorded in a material form .There are no formalities such as registration, publication, or examination (as occurs with trademarks and patents), and there are no fees payable.
When does copyright protection end?
The duration of copyright differs from one type of copyright work to another .
Duration of copyright
The Berne Convention stipulates that the duration of the term for copyright protection is the life of the author plus at least 50 years after their death. For some categories of works, the minimum duration is shorter. For example, the minimum term for applied art is 25 years. Movies have a minimum term of 50 years. Most countries have opted for a longer term of protection, as permitted .Under the Convention ,the duration of copyright depends on the length of the author's life. Berne specifies that copyright exists a minimum of 50 years after the author's death .A number of countries, including the European Union and the United States, have extended that to 70 years after the author's death. A small number of countries have extended copyright even further. Mexico has the lengthiest term: 100 years beyond the death of the author.
How can my copyright be protected in other countries?
Countries that have signed the Berne Convention treaty have agreed to pass laws in their own countries that will extend to nationals of other signatory countries the same copyright protection that is extended to their own nationals .Greece is a party to the Berne Convention ,so Greeks enjoy the same protection that is given in other countries that are parties to the Berne Convention .The Berne Convention and other treaties also require treaty member countries to maintain minimum levels of copyright protection. With those minimum standards, and international harmonisation of copyright laws, by and large, Greeks enjoy the same copyright protection in other countries as they do under Greek copyright law .Accordingly, just as there are no formalities such as registration, publication, or examination of copyright works in Greece, and no fees are payable, so also, there are no such formalities in other countries, and similarly, no fees are payable in other countries .View a list of member countries of the Berne Convention on the World Intellectual Property Organization website.
What are my rights as a copyright holder?
A copyright holder has the right to use the © symbol to indicate that copyright subsists in the work upon which the symbol is used, and to indicate who owns the copyright. The use of the © symbol, however, is not mandatory .Someone who employs the © symbol when not an owner would be liable for engaging in misleading or deceptive conduct .
Your other rights as a copyright holder include the right:
1. to obtain a court order to stop someone unlawfully using (infringing) your copyright (this kind of order is an injunction)
2. to grant a licence to another person (e.g. in other parts of Australia, in other industries, or in other countries) to exercise some of your rights as a copyright holder, in return for licence fees, royalties, or other payments sell your copyright give your copyright away in your will
Other rights depend upon the nature of the copyright work; for example:
Literary, dramatic and   musical works (including databases, the text of a marketing plan or business   plan, annual reports, operational manuals, technical specifications, letters   and emails etc.)
Artistic works
Copy the work
Publish the work
Make an adaptation of  the work
Translate the work
Perform the work
Broadcast the work
Make the work available on line
Rent out the work
What are moral rights?
Copyright protects two types of rights .Economic rights allow right owners to derive financial reward from the use of their works by others. Moral rights allow authors and creators to take certain actions to preserve and protect their link with their work. The author or creator may be the owner of the economic rights or those rights may be transferred to one or more copyright owners. Many countries do not allow the transfer of moral rights .The expression authors’ rights refers to the creator of an artistic work, its author, thus underlining that, as recognized in most laws, authors have certain specific rights in their creations that only they can exercise, which are often referred to as moral rights, such as the right to prevent distorted reproductions of the work. Other rights, such as the right to make copies, can be exercised by third parties with the author’s permission, for example, by a publisher who obtains a license to this effect from the author.